The potential 2EQ points to is very dramatic, but also profoundly hidden. It is deeply concealed, both psychologically as well as culturally. And this tells you what we are doing here - it is all just to see what might happen if we place that missing part right up front, and in a way that prevents it from immediately being swept under the carpet again.
Therefore, a necessary boundary must always exist between the world we see today and this very strategic alternative. Nobody should ever be able to say that they entered that space by accident, or that they were not aware of what they were doing. This is why we will sometimes make a bit of fuss right at the outset, as I am doing here. It is all because the events being defined are a lot more dramatic than most people will initially grasp.
I'm sure it all sounds a bit overblown and self-important, but actually the events being pointed to are a lot more dramatic than most people immediately grasp. And here we see the essence of the dilemma, along with the solution that is gradually emerging here. The most significant thing to know about being human is literally a process of active concealment. It is like a secret that we are all keeping, and not only from each other, but also from ourselves.
This active concealment is how something so dramatic managed to remain hidden, but the epic scale of what it all points toward is also what causes all the trouble. It is all because it is the biggest thing ever on the one hand - but at the same time the single most impossible thing to communicate. And this is where we get stuck here - you can’t have any impact in the world if you can’t basically take your ideas and plant them in the minds of others, like little seeds, that will then sprout and grow all on their own.
Really, how would you capture the imagination of someone who is suffering an ‘imagination block’ in relation to the very thing you are seeking to convey?
Welcome to 2EQ!
On the other hand, the significance of becoming aware of this hidden aspect of life is also very dramatic - as indicated, it might even be the most important thing of all to know.
We sometimes use powered flight as a metaphor in this regard - in many ways the possibility was sitting right in front of us all along, but in the end it took a demonstration in order to unlock the entire process of development that has now resulted in global air travel becoming commonplace. And it's possible this will be a bit like that. It will probably go from being complete obscurity to being ...well, we don't really know what. We might guess, but only time will tell that story.
We appear to be gradually inching closer and closer to this 'explosive' threshold in this sense, and this explains the other thing we need to be focused on here - to prepare the way for a far bigger event when that does arrive rather suddenly.
With this in mind this website is kind of a place holder at this early stage, a blank slate, just a stage upon which all manner of things might emerge over time. The show has yet to begin, and only you can say what it will become in that regard. Feel free to login and have your say.
In the meantime, and if you would like a peek at what is coming, you might start off with a few of the basic resources available a this point -
- The Wonky Weeble (the simplest overview of what 2EQ is all about). (free video)
- The first half of Something Else (the original ‘shallow end’ chat Invite - now retired). (free audio)
- The Snapshot Overview from Something Else (a first attempt to capture the shallow end chat sequence in writing) (free audio)
- Deep End Epilogue from Something Else (explaining the stages) (free audio)
- The Easy Book (paid audio)
- The Hard Book (the ‘Magnum Opus’ of 2EQ - several candidates being discussed)
For further orientation about what - and who - this forum is for, you might also see some of the items linked from some of the posts in the Orientation and Resources sections.
Several books can also be found here in print copy and eBook formats.
Overall, the purpose of this website is not to broadly promote the paradigm associated - it is simply not that sort of thing. This is not a social movement. It is not a club to belong to. It is not even a philosophy to adopt. There is nothing to believe here.
Only a few will need to know all of this in order to make the insights available in practical form to everyone. And yet, those few will need to know, and with that in mind we are doing everything we can here to prepare the way.
Please be aware, however, that some people are always going to find the subject matter here more than a little challenging, in which case some sort of negative reaction can be expected. Apart from anything else 2EQ is a very fierce mirror, and some people simply don't like what they see. Not everyone is ready for that sort of thing.
With all of this in mind, it might eventually be necessary to approve all posts - leaving them in a moderation queue by default. That would be regrettable, but I suppose we will find out before long. We will start by leaving the General Forum open and see how it goes.
We remain open to any suggestions.
PS - no real names please.